

Barack Obama, patriot

To quote Chuck D, don’t tell me that you understand, until you’ve heard the man.


Obama responds…

…to Reverend Wright with an ironclad denunciation and impeccable moral force. Good. This was absolutely necessary.


Hillary’s glass house

Oh my goodness, of course, she’s just being helpful. By rehashing the GOP’s phony links between Obama and the Weather Underground, she’s just pointing out that Obama might be headed for trouble in the fall. So better to back-stab him now. That way, the road is clear for right-wingers to flog Hillary’s old ties to a Communist-run Berkeley law firm

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Crouch on Obama

An exceptionally moving comment on the Obama speech from Stanley Crouch. And here, from earlier on. Stanley’s no right-winger, as is so often assumed. (No, he does not note Wright’s appearance on Wynton Marsalis’s The Majesty of the Blues).


Wright stuff

Obama’s Philadelphia speech is destined for the American history classrooms of tomorrow (if there will be such things). And it has generated a wave of responses nearly as fascinating as the speech itself, not least of all in the nascent entity called the jazz blogosphere. Which would seem to refute the idea that jazz and its minions have ceased to

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Obama on Wright

Here in Philadelphia, blocks from where I sit, Barack Obama has just delivered a powerful speech [update: video here] on the complexities of race and racism in America, and the nuanced reality of his relationship with pastor Jeremiah Wright. I fear his words will fall on cynical, deaf ears, but he has done his best — not in an attempt to

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Things are falling to pieces in Albany, the capital of my home state, as we witness one of the most spectacular political downfalls in recent history. But I’m posting a quick comment on a different scandal — far less important, but worth noting. I’m speaking of Congressman Steve King’s convoluted remarks on the middle name of Barack Obama. King plays

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Obama on Farrakhan

I don’t like the “Farrakhan litmus test” any more than The Root’s Marjorie Valbrun does, but Tim Russert had a valid reason for pressing Obama on the issue last night. And Obama’s answers ought to put the matter to rest. There are no grounds to doubt him on the issue of antisemitism. (Funny that Obama’s on the hot seat for

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