

You want “specifics”?

I am so tired of people, like James Wolcott, regurgitating the line that Hillary Clinton offers “specifics” while Obama offers none. Please. Go here to the “Issues” section of Obama’s website and you will find specific after specific on no fewer than 20 relevant policy categories. Wolcott sniffs: “… [Obama’s] summons to history and call to hope seems to transcend

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The day after

You look at the Democratic electoral map and you see something incredible: a resounding “yes” vote for Obama’s message, stretching from Connecticut to Georgia to New Mexico to Idaho. Andrew Sullivan says it best: “…the race goes on and [Obama] may not ultimately win the nomination. But he will have won this campaign. And he will have won the argument.”

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Yes We Can

Yes We Can. (Herbie says so.) Obama on Super Tuesday.


Political bits, bytes

~ Seems clear enough that the Clintonistas, not the Obamites, are playing dirty politics at this stage. BET founder Robert L. Johnson, one of the most cynical operators around, has lined up behind Clinton and touched off a firestorm with comments that seemed inteded to smear Obama. Johnson’s unsavory record as a propagandist for Social Security privatization, estate tax repeal

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Win, Barack, win!

From his pivotal Iowa speech: I will send, once more, a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says: You matter to us. Your future is our future. May it come to pass. Here for his Iowa victory speech.


Obama’s patriotism

What Ron Rosenbaum said: The pledge is a kind of forced confession of orthodoxy. No, not water-boarding, but coercion nonetheless. Especially for peer-group-pressured school kids. Even if they have the right to opt out. In past school-prayer cases, the court has resisted the idea that the state should be implicated in even the social coercion or propagation of religion. Busybody

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Barack Obama for President

Let’s face it: the other Democratic contenders are mediocrities, Hillary very much included. They should cede the race now, and get behind the man who can take this country back from the insidious, off-the-rails GOP. If you agree, visit the site. Volunteer. Donate. Find meetings in your area. Do everything you can. Obama can win.


Obama a jazz hound?

Timothy Noah has the goods on “Barry” Obama as a jazz-loving teen…