

The current PW

In this week’s Philadelphia Weekly: a preview of Vocal Tracts, a night of experimental voice-oriented music; and a review of Charlie Haden’s Rambling Boy. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that from here forward, I’d be posting these PW items on a weekly basis. Well, funny story. Two days before my move back to New York, news came from

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On Keith Jarrett

My review of Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock and Jack DeJohnette at the Kimmel Center, in today’s Inquirer. Posting will be slow to nonexistent this week. I move back to New York on Wednesday.


The current PW

In this week’s Philadelphia Weekly: my review of Lafayette Gilchrist’s Soul Progressin’ (Hyena), and gig previews of Weasel Walter and Marc Ribot.


The current PW

New in Philadelphia Weekly: a preview of Todd Sickafoose’s Sept. 4 show at the Philadelphia Art Alliance, and a review of Appearing Nightly by the Carla Bley Big Band.


Detroit-Philly PS

W. Kim Heron, the moderator of our Coltrane panel in Detroit, has a nice piece in the Metro Times about the Detroit-Philly connection.


Detroit-Philly Summit

I returned yesterday from the Detroit International Jazz Festival, billed this year as a “Detroit-Philly Summit,” with artist-in-residence Christian McBride (Philly bassist extraordinaire). My business there was to speak about John Coltrane with fellow panelists Ashley Kahn, Jimmy Heath, Benny Golson and local Detroit legend Faruq Z. Bey. It was a great time, though I was boxed into a pretty

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The current PW

I haven’t been in the habit of linking to the short previews and CD capsule reviews of mine that appear regularly in Philadelphia Weekly. Putting up links to these short, ephemeral pieces of writing has always struck me as just too cumbersome on a weekly basis. But I’ve changed my mind. Although I’m preparing to exit Philly, I’m pleased to

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Give us your poor, continued…

Following up on Matt Davis’s City of Arrivals, on the immigrant experience in Philadelphia, and this story about a Malian couple gunned down in their store in July… this is in today’s Inquirer: Yesterday morning, almost exactly seven years to the day that Fakhur Uddin came to America from Bangladesh, he was slain – bound with duct tape and string,

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