The Right


Health care and fringe politics

Which is to say, mainstream Republican politics. Let me explain. About that now-famous Barney Frank clip, in which a maniac health-reform opponent accused the (Jewish) congressman of supporting “a Nazi policy” and was rebuked and humiliated by Frank in turn: It turns out that this woman is a Lyndon LaRouche cultist. And so now, right-wing pundits like Michelle Malkin are

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Guns and health care

There’s nothing about the current healthcare reform “debate” I could say that hasn’t already been said, and said brilliantly, by Rachel Maddow and other liberal commentators. But I will say this about reform opponents showing up to Obama town halls with guns, including assault rifles, in recent days: Right-wing ideologues, including members of Congress, can mouth all the platitudes they

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Dissent and the right

A right-wing commenter objects to my remark (here) on Melanie Phillips’s piece describing President Obama as a “fifth columnist.” I’ll make this quick. Gee, I thought dissent was patriotic? I guess that doesn’t extend to commentators you disagree with. Melanie Phillips has an absolute and unlimited right to print whatever she wants in her columns. I and others have an

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Rabid right watch

I would argue that this, aside from being pure drivel from beginning to end, comes close to advocating violence against the President of the United States.