

Zahawie on Zionism

A while back, Slate published a C. Hitchens column alleging that an Iraqi official under Saddam, Wissam al-Zahawie, actually did scout out yellowcake uranium from Niger. I still find it dubious, but that’s not why I’m posting. The other day Slate posted a lengthy and apparently authentic reply from Zahawie himself. In the course of this reply, Zahawie defends himself

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Beaumont on Medialens

Peter Beaumont of the Observer has harsh, well-chosen words for Medialens, the “watchdog” organization that targets liberal journalists who fail to parrot the ultra-left party line. Beaumont of course mentions Medialens’s nasty campaign against the antiwar site Iraq Body Count, for allegedly underestimating the toll of the war on Iraqi civilians. I won’t get into that debate here, but I’d

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On that Gaza beach explosion…

Since there’s been some dispute about it in the comments, I wanted to make a note of this, from the London Times: Expert: Israeli Shell Caused DeathsA US-trained military expert has disputed an Israeli claim that it had nothing to do with an explosion that killed eight Palestinian beach-goers in the Gaza Strip. Last Friday’s incident has turned a critical

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Slow posting

Suicides at Guantanamo, heinous coordinated bombings in Kirkuk (extremely close to Kurdistan), continued meltdown in Israel/Palestine — and I happen to be mired in other work. Two major jazz festivals are going on simultaneously in New York; some of my coverage will appear here. And I’ve got a jazz education piece pending for Jazz Times. But watch this space —

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Suffer the children

An Israeli missile goes awry in Gaza: The Ghaliya family, husband Ali, wife Raisa, and three children, ages 1, 3 and 10, were having a picnic on the northern Gazan beach on a hot afternoon when they were all killed in the shelling. Israel has killed 14 Palestinians in Gaza in the last 24 hours. Assassins’ bullets fly in Ingushetia:

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“With hearts full of faith, Hamas commends brother-fighter Abu Musab … who was martyred at the hands of the savage crusade campaign which targets the Arab homeland, starting in Iraq.” — official Hamas statement on the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi **Update: Commenter Pat points out, correctly, that the above statement has been denied by the Hamas leadership. My bad.

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Baroness Tonge’s world

There’s been some derision (justified, in my view) aimed at Baroness Jenny Tonge of the House of Lords for her June 8 letter to The Independent — in which she argues that Israel’s separation wall is forcing Palestinian militants to “export themselves” to wage jihad in Iraq. The letter also makes reference to “the USA and its military base in

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Hilton Ruiz succumbs

The pianist, grievously injured in New Orleans, has died. The cause of his injuries is still under investigation. Ruiz will be viewed on Monday, June 12 at the Barrett Funeral Home at 424 West 51st Street & Ninth Avenue. 212.265.0335 Update: Viewing is Sunday June 11th and Monday June 12th, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm – 9:00

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