

“Work the Wound”

I watched Stew’s “Passing Strange” last night on the DVR, and while there were some aspects of it I resisted, the more that I think back on it, the more enthralled I become. I need to watch it again. This song, “Work the Wound,” comes toward the end of the show and nearly turned me to a puddle. Here’s a

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Happy New Year


12 for 1 meds

I used to work as a proofreader at BMG Columbia House, so this Onion satire had me rolling this morning — headline, “Columbia House Launches Subscription Meds Program”: Although Gallagher is generally satisfied with his coverage under Columbia House, he expressed some frustration with the inconsistent offerings. “They base their selections on what’s hot at the moment, so they stopped

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Quote of the day

Andrew Sullivan: “If the Catholic church were a secular institution in Ireland and had been found guilty of child abuse to the massive extent the Church has, it would be forced to close. Its top officials would not be issuing statements of apology and regret, but serving sentences in jail.” And yet here in the U.S., the church is injecting

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Wow, talk about coasting. In his NYT online column, Stanley Fish has tackled weighty topics like censorship and Islam (and often gotten it miserably wrong). Now he’s cranking out stuff that’d be perfect for an Andy Rooney segment. Or a few extra verses of Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic.”


Rage in Peace

Steven Wells of Philadelphia Weekly died not long ago, as I mentioned. Here’s a very fitting — that is, surpassingly weird — video tribute. Steven Wells Tribute Film from Roger Sargent on Vimeo.


New York vs. Philadelphia

For the first time since 1950, the Yankees and the Phillies — New York and Philadelphia — will face off in the World Series. My two cities. For that reason, I’m declaring some version of neutrality and just planning to take in the intensity of it all. I’m pretty far from a sports guy, but postseason baseball brings me back

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Remembering Margot

Once again, my sister has put up a beautiful tribute page — this one in memory of our Margot. All October profits from nawtydog.com go to the ASPCA.