

Mourning our dear Margot

Less than a month after the passing of our greyhound Angus, I am sick with grief to report the passing of his life companion Margot, our sweet yellow mutt, whose mounting depression in the last few weeks turned out to be something extremely serious. We’ll never know what it was exactly — probably an aggressive cancer that had been lurking,

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Support for greyhounds

My sister has put up a beautiful tribute page to our late greyhound, Angus, and she’s devoting her September profits to the organization from whence he came, We Adopt Greyhounds. Go check it out.


Angus, June 1997-September 1, 2009

Yesterday we said goodbye to our greyhound, Angus, lost to bone cancer at age 12. In his prime he was nearly 90 pounds of muscle, with tattoos in his ears revealing his birth month/year and order in the litter. A mass-produced, throwaway animal became one of the centers of our universe and a joy for nine of the 10 years

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Devil in details

One of the more interesting aspects of this whole Libya-Scotland affair is thoroughly buried: The Foreign Office said Friday that it was reconsidering plans for the Duke of York to attend the 40th anniversary celebrations in Tripoli…. A member of Britain’s royal family was planning to attend a commemoration of Qaddafi’s 1969 seizure of power in a coup, four decades

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Didn’t see this coming. Nat Hentoff, dean of American jazz commentators and civil libertarians, my fellow Jazz Times contributor, buys into the “death panels” nonsense. How sad. He’s better than that. I thought.


In a nutshell

By Jim Morin, via Gene (click image for clearer focus):


Baby chronicles

It should be clear from this photo that I have entered a kind of parallel universe; I have begun the process of falling madly in love with my daughter, Tess. After just nine days, the child already looks subtly different. Development is underway. Tess has business to attend to, and she’s laying the groundwork, taking the necessary steps. Even though

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Spawn of Lerterland

On July 21 at 3:07 p.m., my superhero wife and I became parents. And today I’m looking out on a very different world. Tess Mary Adler is happy and healthy, though incredibly small (discharge weight 5 pounds, 13 ounces). And already figuring out how to clutch at my shirt. The Lerterland music and politics shop will slow down for a

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