

Savage on Bristol

Man, is Dan Savage good: Teen mom Bristol Palin and her fiancé, Levi Johnston, called it quits last week. So we’ve been cheated out of the Royal Rube Wedding we were promised during last summer’s Republican National Convention—and another child will grow up without a father in the home, which is a tragedy for the child, according to America’s Talibangelists. Or

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Winslet’s statue

I remember being floored by Kate Winslet’s cameo on “Extras,” one of the greatest comedy series ever. Check this out (via Sullivan): …but I didn’t expect the joke to come true, down to every particular, with Winslet’s Oscar win for “The Reader” last night. Ron Rosenbaum saw “The Reader” so that I don’t have to: True, she’s unrepentant for the

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Arts funding II

A good outcome, reports Anastasia…


Arts funding

Efforts are afoot to deny any stimulus funding to arts organizations. Americans for the Arts has advocacy resources. Darcy has a roundup of commentary.


A Vulcan moment

From Star Trek, “Errand of Mercy,” 1967: Capt. Kirk [immediately following a Klingon surprise attack]: “Well, there it is. War. We didn’t want it, but we’ve got it.” Mr. Spock: “Curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want.”



I’m working on an essay for Z Word about jazz and politics in the 00’s. I’m also dealing with the fact that my new MacBook Pro will connect wirelessly to the Internet only when it is not sitting on my desk. So my posting, and my attention to current events, may remain a little light in the coming days. Like

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Moby Dick

Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquerable whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. — Captain Ahab Thanks to long stretches spent once again on New York’s subways, I’m able to take on projects like Melville’s 1851 masterpiece, which I’d never

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Got a dog?

Shameless plug time: My sister runs an online dog-products business, nawtydog.com. Bookmark it for holiday gifts. [Pictured: My little Margot at nap-time.]