

Did you ever notice…

… that hippy-dippy New Age ideas don’t make people more sensitive and thoughtful, but rather more flakey and self-involved?


The far left in focus

Marc Cooper‘s Oct. 7 post (“Dead Serious”) is a must-read. It’s all too easy to laugh off the NYC subway terror threat as convenient right-wing hysteria, Cooper argues. I’m a subway-riding New Yorker (often four times a day) and I couldn’t agree more, though I always counsel against the illusion that any sort of warning will precede terror’s return to

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“Do Dogs Think?”

Answer: No. Jon Katz explains. As a dog owner and lover, I hang on this man’s every word. He’s got a new book, Katz on Dogs.


Which Palestine?

Nick Cohen tells it like it is in the New Statesman. Money quote: It’s not radical, it’s barely political, to turn a blind eye and say you are for the Palestinian cause. Political seriousness lies in stating which Palestine you are for and which Palestinians you support.


Unite Against Terror

The petition has been updated in the aftermath of the Bali bombings. Lend your support. And note links to the Madrid11 initiative and Open Democracy. PS: Here’s a great Saletan piece on Bill Bennett’s remarks.


“The Pro-Torture Nine”

That’s what Sullivan has dubbed the following senators for voting against John McCain’s anti-torture amendments: Allard (R-CO)Bond (R-MO)Coburn (R-OK)Cochran (R-MS)Cornyn (R-TX)Inhofe (R-OK)Roberts (R-KS)Sessions (R-AL)Stevens (R-AK) The good news: McCain’s amendments passed in a crushing 90-9 vote. That means it’s veto-proof, and Bush has vowed to veto. Bear in mind, Bush rarely uses his veto, but he’ll do it to thwart

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Rosh Hashana 5766…

…brings no pause at all… frantically working while listening to the reissue of Gary Thomas’s Overkill (JMT 1995), which I’d always thought was a jazz/hip-hop crossover of some sort, but no — it’s pure hip-hop and pretty hardcore for a jazz tenor player. See how easily I get distracted from Judaism… but in the NY Times Book Review there was

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Voice of conscience

Below is the letter Captain Ian Fishback sent to Senator John McCain. Fishback has come forward with serious allegations of prisoner abuse and torture, and he deserves our praise. Send a message of moral support to supportfishback@aol.com and Andrew Sullivan will see that it reaches the Captain. Dear Senator McCain:I am a graduate of West Point currently serving as a

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