

Missed this…

Thank you to Bill Weinberg at World War 4 Report for picking up and supporting me on this Galloway business. The responses in the comments section are instructive. For those taking notes, here’s lesson numero uno in Extremism 101: If you’re a raving anti-Semite, just make the politically correct noises about Palestine and you’ll be given a free pass by

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Levitt on Bennett

Freakonomics co-author Steven Levitt defends Bill Bennett up to a point but concludes: There is one thing I would take Bennett to task for: first saying that he doesn’t believe our abortion-crime hypothesis but then revealing that he does believe it with his comments about black babies. You can’t have it both ways. Andrew Sullivan adds: [B]y reflexively relating race

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Mahavishnu, Metheny and me

Never got around to posting these. (w. McLaughlin Oct. ’03; w. Metheny Dec. ’04)


Right-wing Freudian slip watch

From today’s NY Times: ”But I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down,” said [William] Bennett, author of ”The Book of Virtues.” Read it again. He “knows that it’s true.” Could

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Links to the latest

Here‘s a letter of mine in this week’s Village Voice (scroll down). And here‘s my ecstatic review of Keith Jarrett’s solo concert at Carnegie Hall on 9/26.


Antiwar angst

Marc Cooper’s on the money about the hijacking of the antiwar movement by the “extremist loonies” of International ANSWER, a front for the Party for Socialism and Liberation (itself a schism of the Workers World Party). The impact of these “fundamentalist-Leninist grouplets” (Cooper’s term) is not negligible. They dominate the C-SPAN coverage (of the 9/24 D.C. march, for instance) with

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And another…

David T of Harry’s Place has written about my Atzmon piece here. Many thanks!


Oliver Kamm citation

I’m very pleased to report that UK blogger and columnist Oliver Kamm has written a post about my Jazz Times article on Gilad Atzmon. Kamm, a powerful critic of left anti-Semitism, has written about Atzmon extensively. I’m honored to be featured in his pages.