

Paris pics

I’ve posted a few photos from my recent Paris trip here.


Goodbye, Tom

Word is spreading that Tom Terrell, one of the most versatile of music journalists and an all-around great guy, has died of cancer, much much too young. I didn’t know Tom well, but ever since our first brief introduction earlier this decade, he would hug me every time we crossed paths. Last September 11 there was a benefit in Tribeca

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An addendum

Since I compared Philly unfavorably with Paris in my last post, it’s only fair that I draw attention to this hopeful development, covered last night on PBS’s Newshour: a civilian anti-crime initiative originating from within the black community. And beautiful Paris has its own troubles, as the anti-police riots in Villiers-le-Bel make clear. The community is well within its rights

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An American in Paris

I don’t speak the language, but my favorite word in French is gendre, for son-in-law, which is what I am — and what brought me and my wife to Paris for a blissful week (her dad, Texas born and bred, has lived on a quaint cul-de-sac in the 4th arrondissement for the last 15 years or so). Pictured here is

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The writers’ strike

Darcy has some apt comments…


Goings on

Forgive the light posting — wife and I took a little road trip to Columbus, Ohio to visit some friends and we’re prepping for a week in Paris later this month. I’m busy editing copy for the winter edition of Jazz Notes, writing a story on this initiative for NewMusicBox.org and juggling assorted other duties. World events haven’t let up,

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TNR’s “Scott Thomas” affair

Seemed like this had gone away, but here’s the latest. I can’t make heads or tails of it, but it doesn’t look as good for TNR. *Update: TNR sets the record straight — while stonewalling on a FOIA request from the magazine, the Army went ahead and leaked documents to the Drudge Report, wrongly insinuating that Beauchamp had recanted. Drudge

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Time machine

Here is the intersection right around the corner from my house in Philly, as it appeared in 1935. (Click photo to enlarge.) Lots more to be found at this great site, Phillyhistory.org. Reminds me of this one, which my father-in-law sent around a while back — a virtual archive of old penny postcards from just about anywhere in the U.S.