Tag: Egypt


Glenn Greenwald and Egypt, continued

A quick follow-up on Glenn Greenwald’s blundering comments about the anti-Hillary protests in Egypt: Indeed, the tomato-throwing protesters were anti-Islamist, not anti-Mubarak. In fact, this report indicates the protesters were riled up by bogus claims regarding the Obama administration’s Egypt policy — claims spouted by hysterical right-wingers in the U.S. including Michele Bachmann and Frank Gaffney. So Greenwald, rushing to validate

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Glenn Greenwald thinks he understands Egypt

Regarding the protests against Hillary Clinton that occurred in Alexandria, Egypt, Glenn Greenwald tweeted this:             And then this:           As if the Arab world is one undifferentiated mass of anger at the U.S. In fact, this report (hat tip David Toube via FB) on the demonstrations includes the following line:

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“We were set upon”

This is why Egyptians have taken to the streets to demand Mubarak’s ouster – exactly this sort of thuggery, for decades, but always away from the cameras. Until now.


Egypt on the march