Tag: Marilyn Crispell


Six Picks: August 2013

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, August 2013: Jim Black, Antiheroes (Winter & Winter) Drew Gress, The Sky Inside (Pirouet) Geoffrey Keezer, Heart of the Piano (Motéma) Chris Morrissey, North Hero (Sunnyside) Gary Peacock & Marilyn Crispell, Azure (ECM) Eric Revis, City of Asylum (Clean Feed)


The week on disc (74)

In case you missed the last one… Walter Smith III, Live in Paris (Space Time) Daniel Humair/Tony Malaby/Bruno Chevillon, Pas de Dense (Zig Zag) Geri Allen & Timeline, Live (Motéma) Keith DeStefano & Puzzlebox, A Place to Be (ind.) Lee Konitz/Chris Cheek/Stephane Furic Leibovici, Jugendstil II (ESP-Disk) Marilyn Crispell & David Rothenberg, One Night I Left My Silent House (ECM)