

A beautiful song

It’s by my friend, Jamie Leonhart, and it’s called “The Truth About Suffering.” Go to her MySpace page and listen.


On CNN (a debate postscript)

Beyond the debate, CNN seems worse than usual these days. One report on Sunday’s Turkish election carried the screen banner “Radical Islam Threat,” which paints a totally misleading picture of Turkish politics (the Islamic AK Party is doggedly pro-European Union, while the secular opposition is in some ways more hostile to democracy). I also note with mounting impatience the fact

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The debate II

The YouTube debate format was certainly entertaining. But while there’s nothing wrong with levity, the instrusion of entertainment values into politics is a problem, and the YouTube concept seems to encourage it. Some of the questions were pure throwaways. At the risk of sounding humorless, this election is serious. Airtime is too precious to waste. Soliciting questions from ordinary citizens

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The debate

I’m enthusiastic about Barack Obama and I think he did well in last night’s CNN-YouTube debate. But one exchange struck me in particular, and Hillary Clinton gave the better response. The question (transcript here): In 1982, Anwar Sadat traveled to Israel, a trip that resulted in a peace agreement that has lasted ever since. [An aside: Sadat was assassinated in

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Flacking the “resistance”

This Guardian piece by Seumas Milne details a new alliance among Iraqi “resistance” factions. Apparently the alliance, which is non-Baathist and non-Qaeda, is ready to come “out of the shadows” and position itself as a legitimate player, with offices abroad and everything. Harry’s Place takes issue with Milne’s tone and approach in what is supposed to be a hard news

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The dogs of war

With the Michael Vick dogfighting story in the news, I thought I’d bring this up. In its July 23 issue, The New Republic printed this Baghdad Diarist, by an American soldier writing under the pseudonym Scott Thomas. The piece is meant to illustrate how war desensitizes soldiers and warps their sense of humor. So we’re treated to tales of Thomas

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Bowerbird triple bill

My review of the latest Bowerbird show, in today’s Inquirer.


Barack Obama for President

Let’s face it: the other Democratic contenders are mediocrities, Hillary very much included. They should cede the race now, and get behind the man who can take this country back from the insidious, off-the-rails GOP. If you agree, visit the site. Volunteer. Donate. Find meetings in your area. Do everything you can. Obama can win.