

For music’s sake

Forgive the light posting — I’m swamped with work. But least I can do is throw some support toward this initiative… — ACMAAlliance for Creative Music Action A Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, August 21 at 6:00 pmatClemente Soto Velez107 Suffolk Streetbetween Delancey and Rivington [Manhattan] ARTISTS RISE UPCreative Music Action (ACMA) is a group of musicians, other artists and their

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Tronzo to the rescue

Last night violinist Jenny Scheinman brought her quartet to International House in Philly, for a showcase sponsored by the wonderful Ars Nova Workshop. The group was to have featured guitarist Nels Cline, master avant-gardist from LA, now better known as a member of Wilco. The turnout was enormous, but sadly, Cline was not there — having toughed out two sets

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“Wiretap at Will”

I’m researching a complicated piece for the Philadelphia Music Project, so posting may be light for a little while. But I wanted to link to Patrick Radden Keefe’s important analysis of the disgraceful wiretapping bill that Bush just signed. Huge surprise: the Democrats knuckled under and gave the Decider everything he wants. “The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is now dead,

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On Bobby Zankel

My review of alto saxophonist Bobby Zankel and his 14-piece big band, The Warriors of the Wonderful Sound, in today’s Inquirer. Unfortunately, my mention of Zankel’s latest CD, Ceremonies of Forgiveness, was edited out of the piece. So I thought I’d mention it here.


The bridge

I have an old college friend from Minneapolis — checked in with him and found out he crossed the I-35 bridge about 90 minutes before it collapsed. The incident has sparked a nationwide discussion of bridge safety, and my thoughts go straight to the South Street Bridge here in Philly, which is very nearby. My wife and I cross it

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On Biréli Lagrène

My feature on virtuoso guitarist Biréli Lagrène, in the August/September ’07 issue of Global Rhythm magazine. PDF available here.


Sean Penn sucks up

Just a couple of weeks ago, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, demonstrating his contempt for the principle of free speech, “announced that foreigners who visit Venezuela and criticise his government will be escorted to the airport and expelled.” Sean Penn doesn’t have anything to worry about. Penn has visited Venezuela and been warmly received by Chavez. It’s fairly certain he

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The dogs of war, part III

For background go here. TNR has rechecked everything and stands by the story: Although we place great weight on the corroborations we have received, we wished to know more. But, late last week, the Army began its own investigation, short-circuiting our efforts. Beauchamp had his cell-phone and computer taken away and is currently unable to speak to even his family.

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