

On Scott Colley

This review appears in the February 2011 issue of All About Jazz-New York. — Scott Colley, Empire (CAM Jazz) By David R. Adler The title Empire could lead one to think that bassist Scott Colley’s seventh album is an artistic comment on foreign policy. In fact, Empire is a now-vanished town in Kansas where Colley’s great-great-grandfather, Joseph J. Colby, settled

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“We were set upon”

This is why Egyptians have taken to the streets to demand Mubarak’s ouster – exactly this sort of thuggery, for decades, but always away from the cameras. Until now.


Egypt on the march


New York @ Night: February 2011

From the February 2011 issue of All About Jazz-New York: — Sullivan Hall was one of five venues to host Winter Jazzfest 2011, but the bookings in that room, handled by the presenting organization Revive Da Live, skewed decidedly toward a jazz/hip-hop hybrid aesthetic. That certainly didn’t mean swing was unwelcome. So on the festival’s second night (Jan. 8th), Orrin

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Six Picks: February 2011

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, February 2011: Jane Ira Bloom, Wingwalker (Outline) Joel Harrison, String Choir (Sunnyside) Jonathan Kreisberg, Shadowless (New For Now) Frank Portolese, Plectrum Jazz Guitar Solos (ind.) Noah Preminger, Before the Rain (Palmetto) Ben Wolfe Quintet, Live at Smalls (Smalls Live)


Randy Sandke’s book and its critics (including me)

There’s been some heated discussion since Howard Mandel published his thumbs-down review of Where the Dark and the Light Folks Meet: Race and the Mythology, Politics, and Business of Jazz by Randy Sandke. I’ve remained mum, largely because I edited the review. It appeared in December in JJA News. Sandke is a talented trumpeter and composer as well as an

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On Dan Peterson

In the new Philadelphia Weekly: Daniel Peterson’s Truth & Consequence Octet Thu., Jan. 27, 7pm. Free. Settlement Music School, 416 Queen St. 215.320.2600 Saxophonist/multireedist Daniel Peterson, a 2004 Temple graduate, co-curates the monthly Avant Ascension series at Tritone, and he’s honed his voice in a number of the city’s finer ensembles: Bobby Zankel’s Warriors, Odean Pope’s Saxophone Choir and

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On Tom Moon

My feature on Tom Moon, former Philadelphia Inquirer music critic turned saxophonist and recording artist, in today’s … Inquirer.