Decision 2008


McCain-Palin: stoking hatred

Not unlike a wife beater, John McCain engages in despicable behavior and apologizes the next day. He feels awful, just awful about it. He has a proven track record, by his own admission, of doing the wrong thing, time and again. When McCain loses this election we’ll probably hear him go through this ritual repentance once again. For anyone who

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Ayers PS

Inevitably, a “Support Bill Ayers” website has sprung up, with over a thousand academics signing on to a statement that Ayers “participated passionately in the civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s, as did hundreds of thousands of Americans.” Matt Yglesias and Michael Tomasky strenuously object, and good for them. As I’ve already argued, Ayers and his comrades did

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Who’s the real John McCain?

George Packer: The problem with a campaign based on relentless message discipline, repeated falsehoods, and the habitual perversion of language is that none of it stops after election day. You can’t be indifferent to truth for months on end and then suddenly return to straight talk. If McCain should win, Steve Schmidt won’t be in charge of the new Administration,

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The Ayers issue at a glance

Sarah Palin, unable to make the case for her own fitness to hold high office, has kicked off the widely expected, 11th-hour smear campaign against Obama as a friend of terrorists, namely ex-Weather Underground leader William Ayers. On the trail Palin mentioned this NY Times piece by Scott Shane, ignoring of course Shane’s main conclusion: that the Obama-Ayers connection is tenuous

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Palin in denial PS

Perhaps Sarah Palin would like to lash out at Nader Nadery and Haseeb Humayoon for their carefully considered op-ed piece, which makes exactly the same argument Barack Obama has made about Afghanistan: too many civilians are dying under American and NATO bombs, and it’s alienating the populace. Virtually everyone who follows the Afghan conflict agrees on this point. So Palin’s jibe

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Swinging Barack Home

As a New Yorker, I’ve witnessed some pretty moving examples of public-spirited jazz, including the 9/11 memorial concert at Town Hall in November 2001. The sight of Dianne Reeves — not just a fine singer but an imposing musician — taking wing with an inspired rendition of Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” has never left me. At the October 1

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Palin in denial

During her debate with Joe Biden tonight, Sarah Palin leveled a most curious charge against Barack Obama on the subject of Afghanistan: Now, Barack Obama had said that all we’re doing in Afghanistan is air-raiding villages and killing civilians. And such a reckless, reckless comment and untrue comment, again, hurts our cause. That would be an odd thing for Obama,

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Nader’s casual racism

In June, Ralph Nader accused Barack Obama of wanting to “talk white.” Last Friday on Bill Maher, Nader played the racial condescension card once again while making the (defensible) case against sending additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan and Pakistan’s tribal regions. Now, I’m really ashamed that someone from a third-world background like Barack Obama is so unbelievably insensitive about the history

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