Decision 2008


Tomato, tomahto

Obama did fantastically well last night, in my view, but he could have busted McCain on calling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard “the Republican Guard,” which was Iraq’s elite force under Saddam. Obama repeated the mistake himself, in fact.


Bush doctrines

Timothy Noah makes a fair point. You could say this talk of The Bush Doctrine gives Bush 43 too much credit, as if he’s left us some grand foreign policy legacy on par with Monroe, Teddy Roosevelt and Truman. … In his book The Bush Tragedy, my Slate colleague Jacob Weisberg identifies and dates five separate Bush Doctrines: Unipolar Realism

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Back to Obama

A Sullivan reader makes a good point: The McCain campaign has managed to get liberal blogs constantly talking about McCain-Palin, rather than Obama-Biden. “Yesterday Obama gave a fantastic interview at the Service Forum. Did the liberal blogs even cover this? No. He gave a great speech on the trail. Are his town halls even posted or excerpted? No. […] The liberal

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Memo to Palin


Lipstick traces

Larry King has Arianna Huffington, lying sack of shit Ari Fleischer and complete moron Chuck Norris on his show, and he’s milking lipstick-gate for all it’s worth. Get this: Fleischer conceded that Obama was not referring to Palin with the lipstick remark, but since the audience laughed, clearly they must have taken it that way. The audience laughed because it was

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Hypocrites, damned hypocrites

Via Marc Cooper — this is a book by John McCain’s former press secretary. No-spin era. Yep.


Savaging Palin

Dan Savage isn’t just a sex advice columnist, he’s one of America’s sharpest minds on sexual politics. His take on Palin? Away he goes: […] As the adoptive parent of a child born to a pair of unwed teenagers, I’m certainly not in favor of abortion in all circumstances. But I believe that it’s a choice teenagers should be able

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McCain’s shamelessness

The Republican crybaby brigade is claiming Barack Obama meant the phrase “lipstick on a pig” as an attack on Sarah Palin, when he clearly didn’t. Here’s video of McCain using the same exact phrase in May.