

Remaking America

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Changefest ’09 – Obama’s Inaugural Speech Barack Obama InterviewJohn McCain Interview Sarah Palin VideoFunny Election Video This Daily Show spot pokes fun at Obama’s Inaugural Address for containing rhetoric similar to that of former President Bush. (Ah, former President Bush.) Yes, Ha Ha and all that. But seriously, the

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“…we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals.”

Words fail. Although Barack Obama’s words certainly didn’t. Congratulations, Mr. President. We fought hard for your victory and we’ll fight for your continued success. God bless.


Brains at the UN

Having written favorably during the campaign about Obama foreign policy adviser Susan Rice, I wanted to express my delight over her appointment as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Just as John Bolton represented the worst that America had to offer the organization, Rice represents the best. John Nichols of The Nation says otherwise and is bashing Rice already — this

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Barack baiting

[Cross-posted at Z Word.] John Pilger, the ultra-left New Statesman columnist, infamously said, in regard to the 2004 Iraq insurgency, that “we cannot afford to be choosy” — i.e., that people of the left must support the Baath/jihadi assassins and bombers because they are arrayed against the forces of Empire. He was hardly alone in this view; Arundhati Roy and George

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Beg your pardon?

The Taliban has issued a statement calling on President-elect Obama to “observe the norms of human rights.”


Power’s strengths

During primary season, Samantha Power said an unguarded thing about Hillary Clinton and had to step away from the Obama campaign. It’s too bad the American public knows her name thanks largely to this inconsequential episode. One can gauge Power’s caliber partly from the ignorant bile she’s attracted from the far right and the far left. During the campaign, Spectator

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“Deconstruct this”

Marc Cooper on anti-Obamism among the academic left: With all due respect to the skepticism of such revolutionaries as Judith Butler and others who disdain the corporate tool known as Barack Obama, there’s an entire new generation who went out and actually did the grinding work of defeating the Bush administration (and of at least cracking the door open to

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Obama and the arts

This editor’s statement will appear in the Winter 2009 issue of Jazz Notes, the quarterly journal of the Jazz Journalists Association. — Barack Obama uniquely appreciates the role and value of creative expression. Barack Obama believes that the arts should be a central part of effective teaching and learning. Barack Obama supports increased funding for the National Endowment for the

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