

“Democratic Vacuum of Congo”

I’m glad to see all the current consciousness-raising about Darfur, but as Johann Hari reminds us here, it’s not the only African holocaust unfolding before our eyes: This war [in Congo] has been waved aside as an internal African implosion. In reality it a battle for coltan and diamonds and cassiterite and gold, destined for sale in London and New

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I am not a signatory to this statement from the National Organization for the Iraqi Freedom Struggles (NO-IFS), but the message is an important one. I’m happy to reproduce it here. — The National Organization for the Iraqi Freedom Struggles (NO-IFS) is a coalition of individuals who have come together to oppose the U.S. war against Iraq by supporting the

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In praise of Stephen Colbert

There’s lots of pro-and-con chatter about Colbert’s scathing routine at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. I thought Colbert was fantastic. Talk about speaking truth to power. And talk about proof that America remains a free country. Some are calling Colbert’s routine “tasteless.” More power to him.


Trouble in Kurdistan

Iran is shelling suspected PKK (or PJAK) positions in northern Iraq. This NYT report describes it as “the second day of attacks,” but other reports of shelling date back to April 21. The region is on my mind because I was recently there. I voiced my misgivings about the PKK here. If anyone has more detailed damage/casualty reports, please share.

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A startling resemblance

Here is the cover of The Independent’s Extra supplement, touting a piece by Robert Fisk on the U.S. pro-Israel lobby. Below it is an image produced by the neo-Nazi International Third Position. Now, some will accuse me of indulging in guilt by association, but it’s entirely fair to ask: Why doesn’t the anti-Zionist left take more care to distance itself

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Tarik Shah column: a response

Margaret Davis, an avant-jazz promoter who heads the support campaign for jailed bassist Tarik Shah, has responded to my piece in Jazz Times [pdf] with an email to her subscriber list. In her missive she denounces my column and urges her recipients to respond to Jazz Times. She also includes my personal email address and invites people to contact me

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Fish on Rushdie

During the height of the cartoon controversy I had this to say about academic-pundit Stanley Fish, who seemed to celebrate the moral, um, clarity of the anti-cartoon protestors. Here is Fish on his NYT “Think Again” blog disapproving of Nova Southeastern University’s decision to invite Salman Rushdie to give a commencement address. Mustn’t offend those few Muslim students who revile

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An honor

I’m enormously grateful to be among four nominees for this year’s Helen Dance-Robert Palmer Award for Excellence in Newspaper, Magazine or Online Writing, an honor bestowed annually by the Jazz Journalists Association. My fellow nominees are Nate Chinen, Francis Davis and Mike Zwerin. Thank you, colleagues, for your support.