The New York City Jazz Record


New York @ Night: April 2013

From the April 2013 issue of The New York City Jazz Record: — It’s clear right away that pianist Fred Hersch’s “My Coma Dreams” is not a typical concert experience. Hersch premiered the “jazz theater” piece in New Jersey in 2011; the new production at Columbia University’s Miller Theatre (March 2) was altered but substantially similar. Narrator-vocalist Michael Winther portrayed both

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Six Picks: April 2013

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, April 2013: Ches Smith and These Arches, Hammered (Clean Feed) Benoît Delbecq & Fred Hersch Double Trio, Fun House (Songlines) Charles Lloyd & Jason Moran, Hagar’s Song (ECM) Nicholas Payton, #BAM Live at Bohemian Caverns (BMF) Kendrick Scott Oracle, Conviction (Concord) Ben Wendel & Dan Tepfer,

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On Antonio Sanchez

This review appears in the March 2013 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Antonio Sanchez New Life (CAM Jazz) By David R. Adler Antonio Sanchez, Pat Metheny’s drummer of choice, is steadily building his presence as a leader, and up to now he’s made clear his taste for two-saxophone lineups with no chordal instrument. His 2007 debut Migration

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New York @ Night: March 2013

From the March 2013 issue of The New York City Jazz Record: — It can’t be easy to say the words “2013 could be my last year.” But that’s what the audience heard when Fred Ho’s Green Monster Big Band performed at Ginny’s Supper Club in Harlem (Feb. 9). Ho seemed in good spirits and conducted the band with vigor, but

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Six Picks: March 2013

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, March 2013: Barry Altschul, The 3dom Factor (TUM) Ben Goldberg, Subatomic Particle Homesick Blues (BAG) Eric Hofbauer, American Grace (Creative Nation) Jonathan Kreisberg, One (New For Now) Jeremy Manasia, Green Dream (Cellar Live) David Weiss & Point of Departure, Venture Inward (Posi-Tone)


On Curtis Macdonald

This review appears in the February 2013 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Curtis Macdonald Twice Through the Wall (ind.) By David R. Adler Twice Through the Wall, the second offering from altoist Curtis Macdonald, is an EP with a running time of just 20 minutes. Far from hurrying through it, Macdonald paces himself, devoting the first

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New York @ Night: February 2013

From the February 2013 issue of The New York City Jazz Record: — Having endured as a working band for nearly a decade and a half, The Bad Plus doesn’t lack for material. The first Sunday set at the Village Vanguard (Jan. 6) featured pieces from the trio’s latest Made Possible but also others stretching back to Give (2004) and

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Six Picks: February 2013

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, February 2013: Gregg August, Four By Six (Iacuessa) Ryan Blotnick, Solo, Volume 1 (ind.) Ken Hatfield Sextet, For Langston (Arthur Circle) Rudresh Mahanathappa, Gamak (ACT) Eric Revis, Parallax (Clean Feed) Wayne Shorter Quartet, Without a Net (Blue Note)